One Course in Three Parts
This rediscovered, late 19th century drawing course remains an indispensable reference in artists’ studios and in Art Academies.
Originally, the course did not offer instructions; only a selection of plates in groups of three. Now you can work on each plate with the help of a well-trained drawing instructor.

Part I

Modèles d'après la Bosse*
* (Three dimensional Models) The central part of the drawing course includes elements of classical sculpture in three dimensions focusing on problems relating to shading, gradient as well as line weight.
Part II

Modèles d'après les Maîtres*
* (Models after Masters) A series of varied lithographic interpretations suspended in monochrome space taken from drawings or paintings by Old Masters. This set represents a wealth of questions and answers regarding the composition and circulation of light
Part III

Modèles d'après Nature*
* (Models from life Figure) This part of the drawing course focuses on classical live model poses featuring standing, sitting and reclining figures.