"learn with our Online Courses and
receive your plates at your door"


pick your academic formula

Discover the different formulas designed to meet all your needs

Monthly sbscriptions for Academies, Art Schools and Private Ateliers

If you are an art school teaching with Charles Bargue’s plates you can benefit from a special Education discounted fee for Drawing Workshops, Academies and schools. Plates will be available without the need to buy the course attached to the chosen plates.

Online Sight-Size course with Charles Bargue plates

Online courses are offered on a subscription basis. Receive a plate and its lesson every month.
Other options may be offered to meet your needs.

On demand Online Sight-Size courses and individual plates

With the purchase of an online course, you can benefit from a board corresponding to the chosen course.
This one of the best current offer for an individual.
Buy 1 lesson Receive 1 plate

3 courses purchased = 3 plates delivered. + a welcome present.

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Single or multiple plates for Academies and Workshops public or private ateliers

If you teach with Charles Bargue’s plates you can purchase plates of your choice and benefit from sliding scale prices according to quantities without the need to purchase the courses attached to the plates.

Charles Bargue plates without dedicated courses for home decoration

Our mission is first of all to teach academic drawing and we do not publish lithographs intended exclusively for mural decoration. However some plates by Charles Bargue and Julien are an exception and you can contact us to know which plates can be sold without a course. This formula is adapted to individuals looking for one or several beautiful decorative plates with another objective than that of practicing drawing.
You may be interested in buying a set of plates and lessons bundeled for special offers.

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Sight-size online Courses without orginal plates

You only want the online courses? No problem. Choose your course and get started right away.

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